Contemporary Arts in Rural Development: Lessons from Japan and the UK, The Center for Rural Economy, Newcastle University & The Association of Rural Planning, University of Tokyo.
19th - 21st February (UK) & 14th - 17th May (Japan) 2019.
I was delighted to be invited to present a talk titled ‘Rual Art in the Making’ at Newcastle University’s Center for Rural Economy conference in February. Guests from the Argricultural Department of the University of Tokyo, the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial (the largest outdoor art festival in the world) and Tokyo-based prestigious Art Front Gallery.
I returned to Japan for a week long residential with the project partners in May to deliver a talk at the University of Tokyo about my experience of Artist in Residency schemes in the rural in UK and Japan. The visit included a field trip to the site of Echigo-Tsumari in Niigata prefecture and Art Front Gallery in Daikanyama. I am very proud to be involved in this fascinating project.