Knit one
Each day in December 2015, between 12 noon and 2pm, 'Arnes' house, the oldest house in the village of Skagastrond, Northern Iceland became a space for the act of knitting. Built in 1890 by a Danish merchant and later the home of the local midwife, 'Arnes' is a small museum open every day in the Summer months but closed over the dark Winter. Marking the diminishing daylight in the count down to the Winter Solstice, knitted squares of untreated Icelandic wool were produced, during the short hours of natural light. On December 22nd the 22 knitted panels were hand stitched together to form a blanket, in acknowledgement of the return to longer days and in ode to the village midwife who kept a premature baby alive during a cold Winter in a shoe box of Icelandic wool.
The video 'Knit one' documents a knitted line of each days' performance The film was projected onto the bedroom walls of 'Arnes' house during the last days of December 2015.