Upcoming Workshops for 2023
Mokuhanga Japanese Water-based Woodcut Printmaking
Mokuhanga 2-day weekend workshop, Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th January 2023,10am - 4pm, Spike Print Studio, Bristol. FULLY BOOKED.
2 day Mokuhanga workshops over 2 x Saturdays, 4th & 11th March or 13th & 20th May 2023, Northern Print, Newcastle.
Mokuhanga weekend workshop, Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th April 2023, West Yorkshire Print Workshop, Mirfield, Yorkshire.
Japanese Book Structures
A 3-day Japanese Book Structures Winter Retreat, Saturday 28th until Monday 30th January 2023,10am - 4pm, LPW, Leicester. FULLY BOOKED.
Mokuhanga Printed Scrolls - carving, printing & binding a landscape, 5-day Summer School workshop, Tuesday 6th - Saturday 10th June 2023, 10am - 4pm, LPW, Leicester.
Japanese Paper Dyeing, Bookbinding and Box making Summer School, 5-day workshop, Saturday 12th - Wednesday 16th August 2023,10am - 4pm, West Yorkshire Print Workshop, Mirfield, Yorkshire.
Mokuhanga Printmaking & Trick Book
In this unique five-day workshop, you will have the opportunity to experiment with mono-printing onto uncarved woodblocks with watercolours. This Moku-mono technique combines elements from the traditional craft of mokuhanga (water-based woodblock printmaking) with a more painterly approach to making prints through the use of expressive inking up of the woodblocks. There will be a chance to explore resist methods applied to the blocks as well as slow gently 'shallow carving' known as Asa Bori to create texture and tone. You will learn to print with a hand-held baren, understanding that changes of pressure and variations in baren types create different effects. There will be time to practice various print techniques during the workshop such as sesame printing 'Goma zuri', gradation 'bokashi' and wood grain 'mokume zuri' over the first 3 days of the workshop.
During the second phase of the week, you will have the opportunity to use your prints to produce a 'kara kuri' trick book based on the traditional Japanese folding screen, the 'Byobu'. This book structure appears to only have two sides at first glance, yet actually houses four separate images, exposed only when handled. This is a wonderfully playful structure full of potential for contemporary book arts projects. FULLY BOOKED.
Please follow the embedded links for enquiries and bookings.