Weekend Course
Starting: Saturday 10th November 2012
Ending: Sunday 11th November 2012
From: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Starting: Saturday 10th November 2012
Ending: Sunday 11th November 2012
From: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Experience a 2 day workshop of 4 micro projects delivered on the mornings and afternoons of each day. You will be exploring and experimenting with the use of text and image to inspire new visual narratives. Using found text to create poems, your own images as muse for text rich works, 2 word stories to create a series of pictures, limitations of media to test and inspire new image making possibilities, and the poetics of found objects to create new ways of storytelling that will inform the way you go on to make your own publications. Using typewriters, lettraset and collage, you will come away from HBP with the confidence and enthusiasm to translate and develop your ideas into creative book works.
If you would like to book onto the course, there are a few spaces left, so please get in touch with Hot Bed Press here. Alternatively, please call the studio on 0161 743 3111.
* I will also be running this same course at the newly opened London Center for Book Arts on November 24th & 25th 2012. Please visit here for bookings!