A Brand New Season of Courses at Hot Bed Press

ORIZOME - Japanese Paper Dying & Bookbinding 

Weekend Course


Saturday 10th October 2015


Sunday 11th October 2015


11:00 am


5:00 pm

Tutor: Lucy May Schofield

About the course: 

Using Orizome Japanese dying techniques we will explore the effects of geometric folding forms on mulberry paper to create endless combinations of possible patterns and colour. In using folding as a resist method and dye pots of inks, you will experience the surprise of the unfolded orizome emerge. 

You will gain insight into a traditional Japanese practice which continues to be in use as a decorative technique still mastered today. On day two we will use the unique papers created as covers for a series of 4 Japanese stab sewn bindings (four hole, noble, tortoise shell and hemp leaf). 

This course is suitable for those with an interest in cross-processing, a love of textile repeat pattern, and those with a degree of bookbinding experience.

For enquiries and bookings visit

Hot Bed Press.


Weekend Course


Saturday 24th October 2015


Sunday 25th October 2015


11:00 am


5:00 pm

Tutor: Lucy May Schofield

About the course: 

Mokuhanga is perfect for artists interested in a non-toxic, table-top, meditative printmaking technique. Learn the basic skills to create a key block and colour separation print, in the tradition of Ukiyo-e, using Japanese tools and materials. With countless possibilities, and minimum equipment (only a baren, no press required!), you will be sure to fall in love with both the process and results of this accessible printmaking method.

For enquiries and bookings visit

Hot Bed Press.

Extra Course in Japanese Bookbinding and Box making announced

*Due to oversubscription a New Course has been added to the Summer Schedule at Hot Bed Press Printmakers ! Please contact them for enquiries at http://www.hotbedpress.org/contact-us/ 


Weekend Course
Starting: Saturday 12th September 2015
Ending: Sunday 13th September 2015
From: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tutor: Lucy May Schofield
Experience a unique weekend workshop in Japanese book binding and box making. Learn the skills to make 4 different Fukuro Toji binding styles, (four hole, noble, tortoise shell and hemp leaf) housed within a Hako Chitsu fold-down Box. Using authentic Japanese printed papers, washi, and vintage kimono fabrics sourced from Japan, this course will give you the opportunity to create a selection of the strongest, most elegant and practical bindings for printmakers and artists’ working with the book form.

Summer time WORKSHOPS & TALKS in the UK at Hot Bed Press.



Weekend Course
Starting: Saturday 15th August 2015
Ending: Sunday 16th August 2015
From: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tutor: Lucy May Schofield
About the course: 
Experience a unique weekend workshop in Japanese book binding and box making. Learn the skills to make 4 different Fukuro Toji binding styles, (four hole, noble, tortoise shell and hemp leaf) housed within a Hako Chitsu fold-down Box. Using authentic Japanese printed papers, washi, and vintage kimono fabrics sourced from Japan, this course will give you the opportunity to create a selection of the strongest, most elegant and practical bindings for printmakers and artists’ working with the book form.
Cost: £130.00 / £110.00 members
Maximum of 9 people - For enquiries and bookings visit the Hot Bed Press site here.


Weekend Course
Starting: Saturday 5th September 2015
Ending: Sunday 6th September 2015
From: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tutor: Lucy May Schofield
Mokuhanga is perfect for artists interested in a non-toxic, table-top, meditative printmaking technique. Learn the basic skills to create a key block and colour separation print, in the tradition of Ukiyo-e, using Japanese tools and materials. With countless possibilities, and minimum equipment (only a baren, no press required!), you will be sure to fall in love with both the process and results of this accessible printmaking method.
Lucy May Schofield has been working in Japan for the past 2 years, taking part in the artist-in-residence program at ‘MI-LAB’ (Mokuhanga Innovation Laboratory) and learning about Japanese hand paper making at ‘Awagami Factory’. We are really pleased to have Lucy back with us on a flying visit. Lucy has taught for Hot Bed Press for 8 years and is an internationally renowned book artist with work in many collections. She also works with Sylvie Waltering, (who runs our year-long book arts course), as the other half of 'Battenberg Press'.
Cost: £130.00 / £110.00 members
Maximum of 9 people - For enquiries and bookings visit the Hot Bed Press site here.


1 Evening Course (ARTIST'S TALK)
Starting: Wednesday 9th September 2015
Ending: Wednesday 9th September 2015
From: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Tutor: Lucy May Schofield
Returning to the UK for the Summer, after spending two years in Japan, Lucy May Schofield will give a talk about her recent residency at ‘MI-LAB’ (Mokuhanga Innovation Laboratory) and learning hand paper making at ‘Awagami Factory’. Drawing on the important cultural relationship between paper making and printmaking, she will introduce and show samples of both washi (handmade paper) and mokuhanga (Japanese woodblock prints). Lucy will share her knowledge, ideas and inspirations from Japan, with a focus on how to adapt these traditional materials and techniques into a contemporary art practice.
Note Prices are £5 Advance and £10 on the door irrespective of membership status.
Cost: £10.00 / £5.00 members
Maximum of 40 people - For enquiries and bookings visit the Hot Bed Press site here. 

*New Courses at Hot Bed Press

Bookmaking for Artists #2


4 evenings Course
Starting: Tuesday 9th July 2013
Ending: Tuesday 30th July 2013
From: 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

This course is suited to those with a bit of previous experience of book arts and/or for those who have done one of my courses before. Over 4 Summer evenings build on the knowledge and skills that you already have by learning how to create new book structures to house your artwork. With a focus on functional forms that allow single sewn pages to open flat, the versatile Coptic stitch and the creation of cloth covered slip cases. The course will expand your toolbox of techniques and talents in enabling you to confidently go on to make more of your own artist’s book editions.
Cost: £125.00 / £105.00 members
For more information go here.

Hard-backed Book Making


weekend Course
Starting: Saturday 3rd August 2013
Ending: Sunday 4th August 2013
From: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm

This two day course will show you how to make your own hardback books from scratch.

You will begin by learning how to traditionally sew onto tapes along with compensation binding methods. Then you will go on to make a hard-back cloth bound book complete with endpapers, headbands and a bookmark ribbon. The course is ideal for those who already have some experience of making books but is also suitable for anyone new to bookmaking. The techniques and skills acquired will mean you’ll never want to buy a ready-made sketch book again.
Cost: £125.00 / £105.00 members
For more information go here

'Letters of Triangles' drop in monoprinting at BABE Arnolfini

Celebrating the launch of my new artist’s book ‘Letters of Triangles’ I invited visitors to BABE to create a simple one or two word contribution using the name of a person, place, object or feeling that they missed. Inspired by the ‘triangular letters’ Russian soldiers wrote home during WWII these secret longings formed a collection of anonymous nostalgia notes by close of the book fair. I had 40 contributions and met some very special people. 

Thank you to everyone who came along to BABE and who gave the project a dose of their time, contemplation and printing talents, it was much appreciated. x

Clamshell Presentation Boxes Course Coming up

Due to a few new and exciting commissions of late, I have rekindled my love of making Clamshell boxes, though I'd hardly lost it. There is something uniquely satisfying in all the measuring, building, cutting, turning and tucking in the making of a cloth covered clamshell box. There will be the opportunity to make 2 boxes over a  weekend workshop on 23rd & 24th March, the first to a standard size and the second, a bespoke box made to your own specifications to house a beloved book or print edition. Feel the love of box making! For details and bookings visit hot bed press

LCBA Press & Valentines Workshop

The London Center for Book Arts has had a lot of wonderful press of late, and here in El Pais 4 of my  publications were featured to accompany the article. Do visit the new center, it promises to be awe inspiring. x

Valentine's Workshop: Create Victorian Inspired Cards at LCBA
Saturday workshop, 11am-5pm
9 February 2013
For this Valentine's Day, spend an afternoon at the London Centre for Book Arts and create a one-of-a-kind, hand-made concept card inspired by embellished, pop-up, and sculptural odes to Love from the Victorian era.Learn Simple folding, collage and printing techniques, and take home the finished project in your own, hand-made bespoke envelope.All materials included, but additional materials are encouraged - to make your projects truly unique.

News for you in 2013

New Courses have been announced at Hot Bed Press to begin the year creatively.
I will be running three courses this term including 'Clamshell Presentation Boxes', 'Typewriter Art' and 'Book making for Artists Level 1', so have a peek over here at what's coming up.

The Lovely Simon Goode at the groundbreaking London Center for Book Arts (LCBA) was featured in the Guardian yesterday, along with an image of my book Roadkill. I have been asked to deliver an exciting new workshop in early February at the center, with details soon to follow.

I also have a couple of outings planned for BABL in the coming months, so do keep your eyes peeled for that beautiful beast of a van, Dolores, meandering through the countryside. 

Typewriter achievements

Achievements from the super and satisfying workshop in Typewriter Art a few weeks ago, and running again due to popular demand early next year. Contact  HBP to reserve your place as a Christmas Pressie to yourself!

Typewriter Art
Tutor: Lucy May Schofield
Tuesday evenings 19th & 26th February

An intensive two evening workshop in the art of typewriters/typewriter art. A rare opportunity to discover and experiment with at least 8 different models of typewriters to create text as image. Be inspired by examples of artists pushing the medium of the typewriter in their artworks along with historical examples of calligrams and concrete poetry.  You will become addicted to the potential of this wondrous medium and its instant print gratification.
cost £55 (£45*)

Highland Air

A late November whirlwind week once again teaching on the wondrous Portfolio Course at Bridge House Art in Ullapool. The moment the train chugs north of Edinburgh my heart swells with a feeling of utter warmth. Perhaps my ancestors were Scottish, I can't explain the love I feel for this part of the world. It was a week of long train journey love, the warmest hospitality at Old Moss Road, observing how to cable knit post Shetland G&T & a vat of local mussels, Full Luminous Moon gazing, Talent galore students for 3 full days of book making, hazy sleeper cabin to a frosty station home. Lovely & Lucky.

Typewriter Mourning

In the week of the last-ever typewriter built in the UK rolling off the production lines in North Wales, it's high time to dust down your keys and join me for two winter evenings limbering up your index fingers to create typewriter works of art, to be hung in celebration and memory of this fine piece of engineering.  


2 Evenings Course
Starting: Tuesday 4th December 2012
Ending: Tuesday 11th December 2012
From: 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm

Spaces available

A intensive 2 evening workshop in the art of typewriters/typewriter art. This is a rare opportunity to experiment with 4 different typewriters for creating text as image, image as text. With inspired examples of artists pushing the medium of the typewriter forwards you will become addicted to the potential and possibilities of the instant print gratification of typewriting.
Book it! Only 3 places left...Typewriter tip tip tip...

Printmaking & Bookmaking collaborative workshop

A few weeks ago I collaborated with Sarah Jane Lawton of Sharing the Making to design and deliver a collaborative Innovation workshop for the Fred Longworth's 'Nurture Group'. The project named 'The advantage of being me' for year 8 & 9 students, encouraged a discussion on future aims, hopes and dreams. In celebration of themselves the students learnt and developed new skills in creating prints and books. We had such positive sessions with each student fully engaged and growing in confidence throughout the day. We used a model of mentorship to ensure that everyone was given ample attention, understood what was being asked of them but were also challenged by each task. The feedback was wonderful! 
I feel very privileged to have had the opportunity to work with the Nurture Group, and with Sarah. Her vision and positivity are infectious.

All NEW *Text & Image Course - This Weekend!


Weekend Course
Starting: Saturday 10th November 2012
Ending: Sunday 11th November 2012
From: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Experience a 2 day workshop of 4 micro projects delivered on the mornings and afternoons of each day. You will be exploring and experimenting with the use of text and image to inspire new visual narratives. Using found text to create poems, your own images as muse for text rich works, 2 word stories to create a series of pictures, limitations of media to test and inspire new image making possibilities, and the poetics of found objects to create new ways of storytelling that will inform the way you go on to make your own publications. Using typewriters, lettraset and collage, you will come away from HBP with the confidence and enthusiasm to translate and develop your ideas into creative book works. 

If you would like to book onto the course, there are a few spaces left, so please get in touch with Hot Bed Press here. Alternatively, please call the studio on 0161 743 3111.
* I will also be running this same course at the newly opened London Center for Book Arts on November 24th & 25th 2012. Please visit here for bookings! 

THIS SUNDAY - Surgery for books

This Sunday indulge in a day of creative book discussion and making at Hot Bed Press supported by one-to-one book tutorials and group surgeries. Over the day we will talk through ideas and discuss your own publications and artist's books that may have outstanding issues that need honing or resolving. We will use the day as a testing ground for experimentation and feedback. As a group we will share ideas and experience to help one another move forward with our books.  Bring with you your own sketches, mock ups, samples and ideas for book works you are working on and any specialist tools of your own. A relaxed day of making, discussing, resolving and tea drinking. Book here

Pop up Artist's Book Surgery

Pop up Artist's Book Surgery
Hot Bed Press, Salford.
1 Day Course
Sunday 21st October 2012
From: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
About the course: 
Following hot on the tails of The Manchester Artist’s Book Fair, enjoy a day of bookmaking in Hot Bed Press supported by one-to-one book tutorials/surgeries. Use it as a testing ground to discuss or help resolve any editing/ structural / printing/presenting issues. As a group go on to discuss outstanding issues. Test ideas and gain advice on how to make, exhibit, show, sell or promote your artist publication.
Cost: £55.00 / £45.00 members
Book at Hot Bed Press

Love Letter to a week of contemporary bookmaking

The wondrous Eleanor at Bridge House Art  invited me to teach a week-long course during her Summer art school in the sublime surrounds of her Ullapool studio in the Highlands. It was truly refreshing to be around such a group of inspiring, committed students that were as keen as mustard to learn the techniques and explore the possibilities of contemporary bookmaking. Thank you to you all for responding so eloquently and imaginatively to the briefs I set and making my working week a joy. Lovely cakes too.