*Due to oversubscription a New Course has been added to the Summer Schedule at Hot Bed Press Printmakers ! Please contact them for enquiries at http://www.hotbedpress.org/contact-us/
Weekend Course
Starting: Saturday 12th September 2015
Ending: Sunday 13th September 2015
From: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Starting: Saturday 12th September 2015
Ending: Sunday 13th September 2015
From: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tutor: Lucy May Schofield
Experience a unique weekend workshop in Japanese book binding and box making. Learn the skills to make 4 different Fukuro Toji binding styles, (four hole, noble, tortoise shell and hemp leaf) housed within a Hako Chitsu fold-down Box. Using authentic Japanese printed papers, washi, and vintage kimono fabrics sourced from Japan, this course will give you the opportunity to create a selection of the strongest, most elegant and practical bindings for printmakers and artists’ working with the book form.