Letterlocking Devices Film

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Acquisition - USA.  
Back in May 2014, I was thrilled that a copy of 'Letters of Triangles' (the boxed work and the letterpress printed letter) became part of the Special Collections at MIT, USA. - 2014.
MIT researcher Jana Dambrogio made a series of films about letter locking which you can view here:

Contemplating Obsession

75 years ago Homer Collyer was found dead in an armchair in the 5th Avenue Brownstone mansion he shared with his brother Langley. The NYPD emptied the house of 130 tons of refuse including 1 horse’s jawbone, 25 thousand books, 14 pianos, 5 dressmaker’s dummies, several guns and 15 year’s worth of daily newspapers. 19 days later they discovered Langley’s body less than 10 feet from where his brother had died, suffocated under the weight of his collapsed hoardings.
In an ode to brotherly love and the Collyers’ obsessive compulsive hoarding, I created this ghost edition of the New York Times distills 15 years of minor news stories taken from the NYTimes archive between 1933-1947. Re-printed and re-published for the benefit of the late blind Homer Collyer as a comment on the futility and sadness of saving everything.
Letterpress printed broadsheet, white ink hand printed on 50gsm newsprint, 597mm x 374mm, edition of 5 2012.  

In addition to the broadsheet I created twin mausoleums housing interpretive personal collections reflecting some of the objects discovered in the Collyer home.

I gather and keep my own hair in jam jars. I collected thimbles as a child and was consequently teased. I hold onto a defunct Adana printing press, whose instruction manual is useless. I own a dead mans collection of ambiguous printing plates. I have rooms worth of miniature furniture yet no dolls house to house them in. 

Specimen boxes contain Sunograph prints, Letterpress prints, inkjet digital prints, and various objects. The coffins are not to be separated, and only exhibited as a pair, re-visited in 2014.

A new edition - Roadkill II

A  new edition. Roadkill II (victims of the modern world).
I have been quietly painting forlorn creatures for the past few months. There are three that made it into books, a frog, a squirrel, a pigeon. Each are inkjet prints on Somerset Satin paper, bound in grey board with silver foil blocking. They will soon be living outside of my studio and residing in Paper Gallery. The Center for Fine Print Research in Bristol have given each one a home too, thank you Sarah B.

*I am in love with my new peaceful space overlooking blissful Autumnal trees which continue to turn, shed and delight each day I put brush to paper. 

Oh it's my 300th post today! so thanks for tuning in.

PAPER gallery

Now a part of the Paper Gallery family, you can now view, and purchase if you choose, a series of my new works on paper. From a series of object portraits memorialising the literary legacy acquired by significant loves. Each book painting becomes a reminder and lesson in how to stand, rather than fall in and out of, Love.  

Herbarium delving

The winding stairwell to the hermit's tower in Manchester Museum's Herbarium, where head Botanist Leander Wolfensholm gave the members of the 'made' collective a uniquely insightful tour of the vast Victorian collection of plant specimens. We are planning to create a collaborative piece based on some of the themes brought about by the underused archive.

Manchester City Library Closure

Last Friday 19th March I attended the public closure of the Manchester City Library, which will be under renovation until 2013. It was a moving evening and I felt like I was a part of the heartbeat of this city. I was asked to do a reading in the beautiful circular main hall. I read, wobbly voiced, lump in throat in the acoustically challenging space, in hope of representing some of the thoughts of the wonderful library staff I had talked to about the closure.
I hope to make a publication from the photographs and words I've collected.

Wish you were here in Hong Kong

My 'wish you were here' series of letterpress printed postcards has taken flight to Hong Kong for a group exhibition at the Para/Site Gallery, entitled 'Fugue in the key of Understanding',  after being spotted at the Bristol Artist's Book Event (BABE). The work was created during train journeys between London and Manchester, each 'wish you were here' ending with a yearning plea to a lover. The limited edition sentiments will now no longer be available to purchase in the UK and only available through the gallery for the duration of the exhibition. Farewell to a love lost.